Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I have been doing pretty good about keeping my complaining to a minimum but I just can't do it any longer. I see and meet a lot of women that love being pregnant. That is not me at all. I hate it. I love the fact that I'll have a little baby girl to hold in a few weeks but all the symptoms that come along with it just suck. I was sick from week 4 to week 13 and then on and off for a few weeks after that. I was so nauseous that I had to be put on Zofran and I lost weight. I could barely keep anything down even on the medicine. I was exhausted all the time. All I wanted to do was sleep.

The second trimester was way better. My belly wasn't that big yet. The baby would kick and it would be amazing. I could do anything I wanted and not need a nap. I loved it. If it was like this the whole time, it would be perfect. You have a cute little baby bump, you're glowing and your feet aren't swollen!

Then the third trimester came. I'm back to being completely exhausted all the time. No matter what time I go to sleep these days I still can't get up in the morning. I just want to lay there and rest all day. Unfortunately I must work so that's not possible. And then on weekends I'm so busy catching up with everything that I didn't get done during the week that I have no time to rest. And then you have the getting up to pee every couple of hours. Don't forget about the swollen feet. I was doing really good with swelling but not any more. My feet kill me, my back kills me, my ribs hurt, and my hands are even crampy these days. Now that the baby is getting so big, she hurts me when she moves. There is no room left for her. I have been having horrible cramping the last couple weeks. I've kept hydrated and everything but nothing helps. The Dr said it's my body preparing for the baby. So hopefully she comes soon. I've also been a complete grump these days. I hate it. I don't know how Pat has been putting up with me.

I have 23 days to go. That doesn't seem that long to most people but it does to me. I don't know if I can deal with feeling like this for 23 more days. That's a little over three weeks. And if I go over...that's just going to suck. I don't even want to think about that. Hopefully she makes some progress this week and decides to come a little early. That sure would make my day.

Sorry for all the complaining but I did warn you with the title of the post. I know all of this stuff isn't going to matter once Savannah gets here so maybe that's why I had to get out it of me now. I'll be able to show her in 10 years when she is being a little brat what I had to go through to have her...hehe.

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